Monday, June 28, 2010

Musical Mondays! Pixar music

This week, instead of watching a single movie musical, I've been haunted by the music from older Pixar movies, so I thought I'd actually check out which ones were nominated for Academy awards, and whether every movie even had a song attached to it.  The ones below were nominated, but only "If I didn't have you" won, giving Randy Newman his first Oscar. I am planning to watch Finding Nemo today so I'll check out whether there's music to add from that.  Enjoy a musical interlude for Monday.  Which is your favorite?  (Tom, I'm looking at you for comment!)

"Down to Earth" from Wall*E, sung by Peter Gabriel.  Sadly a fairly forgettable song, from a wonderfully memorable movie. 

"Our Town" from Cars, sung by James Taylor

"If I didn't have you" from Monsters, Inc.  A terrific song, particularly when sung by John Goodman and Billy Crystal.  It plays over the end credits during the film.

"When She Loved Me" from Toy Story 2.  When I looked this up, I didn't remember it at all.  It was an odd pairing for a children's movie if you ask me.

"You've Got a Friend" from the original Toy Story.  It plays over the introductory scene and is my absolute favorite song from a Pixar film. 

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