Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Welcome to Reel Insight

As I hope you've guessed by now, Rachel and I have decided to merge our blogging efforts.  We have started a new blog at Reel Insight that we'll be running together as we keep the podcast going and stop posting new stuff on our individual sites.  Thank you so much to all the people who have helped make this blog so much fun to do that I want to keep doing it.  Today is Rachel's 5-year blogaversay, and mine will be in a week, so I will continue posting here for another week, and then jump on over to Reel Insight.  I really hope you'll join us there!  Thanks.


Ryan McNeil said...

Congrats on the big move - looking forward to seeing what y'all can cook up together going forward!

Dylan said...

I was wondering about the 5-year thing for you as well. Good that you'll get to that mark over here, too. Congrats to you both!

Jess said...

Thanks guys!

Couldn't have done it without you both.