Wednesday, June 13, 2007

What can you expect on an airplane?

Okay, I'll admit, I was trapped into watching this on the airplane west, and I would not have watched it voluntarily, but The Astronaut Farmer stinks. Billy Bob Thornton is too creepy to pull off this rancher with an aeronautical engineering degree who wants to go into space and with the help of his 15 year old son builds a rocket. He seems like he's holding a secret, and with other actors you might believe that secret was a good thing - some lofty dream that will encourage children and go down in history. Billy Bob makes you think he's not willing to acknowledge he's the one who farted. He has no loftier expressions than that. If you complete suspend disbelief that a functioning rocket can be built by a single man in a barn from scraps from NASA, then you might find at least a story of a family that pulled together to support one another, and Viriginia Madsen as Thornton's wife does actually make that seem a reality. However, if you're stuck with this movie on a plane, find a good book, it's not worth your time.

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