Thursday, June 14, 2007

Podcast updates...

Okay, I listen to quite a few podcasts at this point, mostly to do with everything this blog deals with (books, movies, TV, entertainment, etc.), but I wanted to bring to your attention two. One, I've mentioned before, the TV Guide podcast that discusses everything video entertainment but with a very snarky bent. Anyway, the guy I didn't like before who made more than a few off-color (read racist or sexist depending on your level of PC-dom) remarks is no longer on the show, so now I can recommend it without reservation. They still discuss all kinds of things that are interesting and most importantly why the like or dislike them so it's easy to see if they are my kind of entertainment (I like a certain level of cheese, more than most so that doesn't become a negative in my book). The second podcast I highly recommend is the NPR Movies. It's basically a summary of all the movie related stories broadcast that week on NPR in all their various shows. So it has movie reviews, interviews with directors and actors, ratings of older options like newly released DVDs of older movies, etc. It's a little more newsy than snarky, but still great source of info.

1 comment:

  1. Dan was the glue that kept that podcast together, even if he did make the risqué remark now and again. At the very least he was always clever about it. Show has gone down hill since his departure.
