Thursday, December 15, 2011

DVD Giveaway, just in time for Christmas!

Okay, you've heard me talk about this on the podcast.  I've been attempting to purge my DVD shelf.  And you, my devoted readers are the beneficiaries of this purge.   I know this isn't a ton of movies, but I had to start somewhere, and these 15 were movies I felt I could actually part with.  There are some really great movies on this list so I feel like explaining why I don't want to give them space on my shelf.

1.  I haven't watched them since I bought them.  - Sadly, this is true.  I have seen them all, either in theaters or by rental, but just haven't found the desire in the year or more since I owned them to watch them.

2.  I have seen them enough times that I honestly don't foresee watching them again. -  Because we watch so many movies for Reel Insight (which I still love) there isn't really a lot of time for my lesser chosen movies to make it off the shelf.

3.  I want to buy more movies - so some of them have to go.

So here's how it'll go - leave a comment and either tell me how insane I am for giving up one of these films or stake your claim - first come first served.  Please only kind mocking for the fact that I owned some of these movies in the first place (mean people suck).  And all of these played just fine or they're brand new and never watched so I can't vouch either way for their playing.   I'll send them out after Christmas unless you specifically feel the need to get 'em early.   Willing to send anywhere.

1.  Mallrats - Widescreen Collector's Edition
2. Something's Gotta Give - Widescreen
3. Jurassic Park - Full Screen Collector's Edition
4. Precious - Widescreen
5. America's Sweethearts - Both
6. Center Stage - Special Edition
7. Men in Black II - Widescreen Special Edition
8. Hot Fuzz - Widescreen
9. X-Men 3: The Last Stand - Widescreen
10.  Far From Heaven - Widescreen
11. The Dark Knight - Widescreen 
12. Stepmom - Full screen
13. Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events - Widescreen
14.  The Philadelphia Story - Full Screen
15.  Milk - Widescreen


  1. C'mon, Precious is such a fun movie - you know you want to watch it 18 more times!

    Some very good stuff in here, I gotta say. Believe it or not, I don't own TDK. I had it recorded on the DVR, but I'll need the space eventually, so I'll stake a claim on that! And I don't own Jurassic Park, either, so if I can do two, I'll put my name in the hat for that one.

    I could ask for more that I haven't seen and have mild interest in seeing (America's Sweethearts, Lemony Snicket)or have and kinda like (MIB2), but to be honest, I don't need them clogging up my collection, either.

    Anyway, very cool of ya - I ought to do the same sometime...though I have a hard time getting rid of anything, and I'm generally pretty good about not buying anything that I won't want to keep for a long time. I think...

  2. Thought I had a copy of Mallrats, but just checked my shelf and don't! So I'll jump all over that one.

  3. Dylan - TDK is yours, and Jurassic Park. Believe it or not I got it for that scene where they talk about the science. Then when I got to the genetics unit this semester it was actually too dumb to show, not even for fun.

    Rach - it's all yours. Hard to part with, but I think I've actually seen it 55 times, so I don't think I need to see it again.

  4. I sorta find myself wanting to own a copy of MILK as I found that to be one of the best films of its year. May I?

  5. Ryan - it's all yours! Particularly if you can plug this giveaway to your twitter followers.

  6. Can I use the 'how insane I am for giving up one of these films' clause in your little deal to urge you to keep X-Men 3?

  7. David - I don't own the first two so it seems odd to hang on to #3.

  8. Oh ! There's so much good movies in this list ! I love FAR FROM HEAVEN. It's such a good movie and Julianne Moore is amazing !
