Wednesday, November 9, 2011

New Release: Tower Heist

When watching the new comedy, Tower Heist, I couldn't help thinking that when this movie was created the producers and marketing people created a flow chart to figure out how many people would probably want to see this movie, since the concept is not particularly new or creative.  Since I now commute nearly 100 minutes M-F I have a lot of time to think, so I thought about the flow chart they might have created.  Here's a pretty simple version that I thought they would have grouped people into based on their interest.  It definitely starts with the idea that "heist movies" appeal to you.  You can follow it to see why I really liked it and if you might too.  Click on the image to get a larger version.    4 of 5 stars/lambs


  1. Made me laugh and held my interest more than it should have, given how sloppy it is. Call it an acceptable bit of B-minus work from a C student. Good review.

  2. I've got some nos and yeses in there, but I think I would like it. I laughed at the preview.

  3. I got "Don't See This Movie" because I prefer Zoolander over A Night At The Museum... hmm...

  4. I stand by the flow chart - don't see it. You have to be Okay with his more serious roles.

  5. I like Night at the Museum, as well. I just think Zoolander is funnier. I've actually never had the problem with Ben Stiller that a lot of other people have.
