New movies with Mr. Ford:
Crossing Over (2009) - The cast, including Ray Liota, Ashley Judd and lots of character actors you'd recognize promised a pretty interesting movie about the varied immigration policies in the US. From a father being naturalized but maintaining old world ideas about his American daughter to a sweat-shop mother being deported and trying to get back to her son to a young Korean boy figuring out what this country might really be about to an Aussie actress who wants a green card to achieve her dreams. Harrison Ford as the immigration cop ties all the stories together well. As a movie about a topic covered extensively, I was pleasantly surprised by the originality and diversity of the cases of immigration. Ford plays a softie cop who actually cares about some of these cases which makes the viewer care too.
Hollywood Homicide - This is the flipside version of his good cop in Crossing Over - he doesn't care about anything except his sideline real estate deals and the fact that his partner, Josh Hartnett, really wants to be an actor and is already a yoga teacher on the side. Based on a true story, I'm just glad I don't live in LA and have to rely on these particular detectives to protect me. Also, it's really terrible to watch Josh Hartnett pretend to act.
Blade Runner - I've tried watching this many times in the past and just never got into it. I made myself pay attention to it all the way through and still didn't really get the love for it. However, as a fairly complicated movie about lots of different topics, I'm sure I need to see it again. If you love this movie, PLEASE encourage me to see it again and tell me why you love it.
I'm the Mad Hatter and I approve of this episode.