Tuesday, March 22, 2011

New Release: Beastly

I'm sure if you know me at all you're not surprised that I went and paid money to see this movie.  Was I ashamed, yes.  Do I regret it, not really.  Beastly is nothing more than the story of Beauty and the Beast set in a ritzy private school in Manhattan.  Our future Beast, Kyle - Alex Pettyfer (I Am Number Four) - has his high school career all sewn up.  He's rich, gorgeous, and about to become student body president.  His dad, Peter Krause, is a TV anchorman and knows that people only like you in proportion to how good looking you are.  He's drilled this into his son.  However, there's a witch at school Kendra (Mary-Kate Olson) and she's pissed off by how shallow Kyle has become and wants to make him pay for it.  She casts a spell on him that he'll become hideous and has a year to get "true love's kiss" or he'll stay that way.  His dad banishes him to either Westchester or New Jersey and gets him a tutor, Neil Patrick Harris.  

Enter Vanessa Hudgens, student body treasurer and daughter of a drug addict whose dealer promises to kill his daughter if he doesn't get paid.  Kyle always had a secret crush on her and offers his banished home to keep her safe until the drug dealer is caught. Yadda, yadda, yadda, you know what happens.  Overall, I kept wanting more scenes with NPH and surprisingly Mary-Kate Olson - both much deeper and more interesting characters.  Pettyfer and Hudgens were barely characters - particularly Hudgens, and seemed more like a decent TV movie, while the rest of the production did a good to try to put a new spin on an old tale. Maybe if I was in high school I would have enjoyed this more, but I doubt it. Overall nothing more than I expected, it wasn't awful, but it wasn't great either.  2 of 5 stars/lambs


  1. I'd actually be interested in this for the sake of Mary-Kate Olson and it makes me glad that you wanted more scenes with her. Haha! I've always thought that she's actually really interesting in her recent acting endeavors.

  2. Robert - I was pretty surprised myself. The directing wasn't terrific - they seemed to focus a bit too closely on her mouth, but I thought she did a terrific job for her small part (4-5 scenes).

  3. Ahahaha - can't believe you saw this...

  4. Fletch - now you see what happens when I'm unleashed on multiplexes.

  5. This was really good film but the ending was lacking, the novel gave so much more profundity and emotion. It was depicted flawlessly in the alternate ending so I don't get why it was the alternate ending.
