Saturday, January 7, 2012

Want to ask Angelina Jolie a question?

Okay, this isn't meant to brag at all, mostly since it's never come to anything before this, but I get a few e-mails a week from various people promoting films that want me to participate in promotion in some way.  Often I've never heard of the film, and have no idea what they're promoting so I just ignore them (this has bitten me in the ass. I finally saw the movie City Island, AFTER having passed up a chance to chat with the cast).  But this one seems for real, so I'm going to promote it.

Angelina Jolie took the two big parts of her life (no, not her family) and put them together - she wrote and directed a film about the war in Bosnia in the 1990s - In the Land of Blood and Honey.  It's been nominated for a Golden Globe for Best Foreign Language film since it's all in Bosnian and Croatian based on the trailer.  A company handling the film's marketing has offered my readers a chance to ask her a question about the film.  Just leave your question in the comments section and I'll submit it to her for the "Live Q & A" next Wednesday night.

Also, there's a prize opportunity.  The prize is a poster of the film.  All you have to do is leave a good question in the comments over the next few days.

Okay, this is pretty random too - I saw her on Anderson - Anderson Cooper's talk show, and she said her hubby Brad Pitt did all the stills photography for the film.  Below is the "behind the scenes" photo they sent me, and he might have taken it, which is pretty cool.


  1. How was it to say 'Action' for the first time?

  2. This is exciting. I'd like to know how she came to her deep commitment to refugees.
