Sunday, August 22, 2010

Movie Meme Day 22 - Favorite final scene/line

I'm sure there are a million movies that would fit this the best, but the one I just watched is The Princess Bride and when Peter Falk walks out and his grandson, Fred Savage, asks him to come over and read the story again and Falk says, "As you wish".  Can't be beat.  And then the song about storybook love starts and they play over the credits.  It's a completely satisfying ending to a terrific movie, that while funny is still a fairy tale of sorts. 


  1. "As you wish" has the best payoffs in the movie. Because we're told early on what it means, it's like this secret code that we totally know whenever it's used again. Very cool.

  2. Have you read the book? The book ending sucks. The "best kisses" thing actually happens only about halfway in. And the actual ending is very negative and cynical. I actually much prefer the movie to the book.

  3. I actually have read the book, but it's been a while. I'm with you, I think the changes they made to make it into a movie just improved it. There were a few things like the author talking about edits he made to make things more interesting that were funny, but I'm sure couldn't be turned into a screenplay with any cohesion.

  4. Brilliant choice! I don't know a single person with a soul who doesn't love this film and that ending is so great.
