Saturday, April 3, 2010

Really short term goal...

I was inspired by Rachel over at Rachel's Reel Reviews to check out when my own blogiversary would occur and how close I would be to reaching some sort of round number. Well, it turns out Rachel and I might be kindred spirits (though not usually in movie taste) in wanting to blog as the 3 year anniversary of Insight Into Entertainment will be on April 10!!! Also, I'm at 392 posts, so I will attempt to hit 400 posts in the next week. Wish me luck!


  1. Good luck! Only 8 posts in 7 days: you can do it!

  2. Thanks Rachel! You really inspired me. It was the kick in the pants I wanted.

  3. I'm glad I'm inspiring people for good instead of evil. It's usually the other way around :)
