Thursday, May 17, 2007

Grey's Season Finale...WTF?!

Okay, I did not like that season finale. I think Izzy is becoming a predatory character that really wants to ruin George's life, but doesn't want the blame so she's leaving up to George to do the bad thing (like the thief who's not sorry he stole, but he's very, very sorry he's going to jail). However, I no longer root for Callie to win him either - she's just being mean to Izzy and gloating never looks good on anyone. And I didn't like Meredith's whining that she needed a happy ending to survive - she needs serious therapy, cause the world's best boyfriend isn't doing it. Also, why did they totally screw over the best character on the show - if Dr. Bailey doesn't get some amazing news and fast, then she should just leave the show and start her own - the wimpy place Dr. Montgomery is going could do with a little of her attitude. The only things I actually did like about the episode were Dr. Burke's vows - the seemed really genuine, though more than a little self-congratulatory about being so great - and Alex and Addison's conversation and him running off to find Eva. This was not a great ending to a season that was plodding along quite well, if quite unhappily.


  1. Really? I thought it was a great season finale. Maybe my standards have been lowered since the GG finale a couple days ago, but I really enjoyed this Grey's episode... I really enjoyed the Alex/Ava stuff, and also the reunion of the chief and his wife. And mostly, I thought it was fabulous in that the season was ended in a way that sets up some new and exciting possibilities for next season (like Meredith's sister joining the mix!) without being a cliffhanger...

  2. I liked those things too - it just overwhelmed me with other things I didn't like. I forgot about Meredith's sister....that could be very interesting, but I really don't like her dad right now. I just was really pissed they screwed over Dr. Bailey so much - it annoyed me. I did like the chief and his wife - but was the baby his, was that what they were trying to say?

  3. Yeah, Bailey has really hardly been in this season, which is one of the many things I haven't liked about this season. I thought this was a well written season finale, including the Burke-practicing-his-vows scene, which shouldn't have worked (during heart surgery?! too soapy for words) but really did. I loved both the opening scene with the girls getting ready for the wedding and also the Christina meltdown scene when Meredith comes in and takes her choker off. All that being said, I found the finale depressing, and I don't really like where the show seems to be going. Season Two remains my fave.
