Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Watch it for the acting! Heroes....

When I first started watching Heroes I couldn't believe they could sustain the story or make the people continue to be interesting. Then I realized that wouldn't matter. There is sooo much going on in the show, without being overwhelming, that there's something for everyone every week. However, whatever they're putting forward is being created by actors who can really act. Ali Larter plays Niki/Jessica, a split personality that is never over the top (even though Jessica is an assassin and Niki a homemaker), and she can switch from one to another with the most subtle changes. She's just terrific, even if her storyline is still unfolding. There are conspiracy theories (many of which I'm sure are true) that wreak of the current administration, complete with new politicians emerging, genetic engineering mysteries, family lives being torn around by these heroic abilities, and a global touch with Hiro and Ando running around the country looking for a sword. Masi Oka (who plays Hiro, and also has a computer science degree and worked for George Lucas at Industrial Light & Magic, doing CGI for Pirate's and Star Wars!) is an amazing comedic addition to the show. His innocence and drive to save the world (a recurring theme) are inspiring and often provide little giggles. It's enough fun watching to find out what they will have to save next now that the cheerleader survived. I recommend catching this as soon as you can - it's on NBC Mondays at 9, and in lots of re-runs on the SciFi Channel.


  1. Yeah, though the storyline with Linderman is straight out of The Watchmen (did you read that with us at book club?). Hopefully they'll take it somewhere else...

  2. Paul and I want to watch the whole thing on DVD this summer. He heard it's like "Lost with answers." :-) Which would be a pretty good thing because Lost's lack of answers is starting to piss me off! Though I did like the little teaser at the end of Wednesday's episode (SPOILER) when the woman who crashed on the island told Hurley there were no survivors of their flight. Of course, I really hope that doesn't mean the Lost afterlife theory is true.
